One part Game, one part Guild. Learn about what led us to choose the name Ape Fun in an upcoming blog post on our new website at ape.fun
Thanks for stopping in, I want to talk to you a little about what led to Ape Fun Gaming. Sure, we could kick this Whitepaper off with a trailer, maybe some flashy art or some in your face hype, but I enjoy getting to know the people that make up and help lead a community I belong to, and I know they enjoy getting to know me. So, let's talk a little bit, you and I, about why we're here. I'll start with me and why I'm here building this project for us both. If you're free afterwards, stop into our Discord and say hello! Our community is always airdropping tokens in the open chat! :)
Ape Fun was born out of a personal void in both my gaming and investment life. The two are synonymous, two parts of the same coin. I'd spend my mornings getting a feel for the market before open, my days swing trading or selling options calls to speculators, and then I'd spend my early evenings absorbing the global geopolitical scene and macro trends from finance and fiat use-case positioning to consumer spending.
At the end of my work day, I'd quickly jot down thoughts on how I thought people would react to things, that hadn't even happened, 6 months out. This would repeat daily from 7a.m. to 7p.m.
Despite what many think, trading isn't a crystal ball, and it isn't chart watching. What it really is deep down is half social psychology and half knowing how and why a combination of money, people and nations position and react the way they do, before they do. Lets call it an informed bet.
After my thought jots, I'd spend some time with the family, eat dinner and by then it's 8 or 9p.m. My kid's asleep...
...ya, it's game time.
In ancient times, or about a 100 years ago, we used books to detach at the end of the day. Now-a-days we have more options, interactive books with immersive stories. We call them video games. Video games aren't a thing but more of a place, a place where we're the lead character, advancing ahead through the story, a story with lots of continual reassurance that we're progressing. Playing games feels good. That's why we play. At least, that's why I play.
A good game for me, is a game where the feel-goods spill over into real life. A game that makes me feel that the winning doesn't have to stop when I turn off the screen. A game that eliminates my real life FUD.
Games are like movies before the days of streaming apps, there's a handful of blockbusters and break-out indies... and then there's everything else. And when you're done playing a big title blockbuster game there's a gap.
A void. Between what you just completed. And what's to come.
For me it's a void that couldn't be filled by a repetitive MMO that skimps on story. Sure I can prestige 900 times in say, Call of Duty multiplayer but the gameplay is dry. Where's the story, or the world building to cloak the dry mechanics of endless carrot chasing? Do I even get to keep the carrots I earn...?
And here comes blockchain to change all of that for me. It was April 2021, around the time that studio guys were beginning to say fuck the studio by launching their own titles, or fundraisers for their own titles. The promise: immersive MMO worlds and ownable assets.
Maybe these would fill my void.
I was hooked. I began a quest to uncover every available title. But they were hard to find and there weren't many. What did exist, looked pretty bad. Nevertheless, I tried a few. And they were bad.
My thinking was: "Hey these games can suck, like an old slot machine buried in the back of a casino but if it pays out better than the flashy machines than it can become my go-to".
Some of them were flash pan games with ponzi-like structures, some of them didn't pay at all, even after I put $30K in trying to fill that void, like I did with League of Kingdoms. I'm a patient investor but an impatient void filler. And the more interesting fuck the studio guys' releases were years off.
So, I decided to build my own - while continuing to support interesting future titles - to curb the impatience. After all, if I was going to throw money around at this void, it should be worthy of my time and money. I'm a builder after all. You see, before I became an investor I was a full stack dev and the owner of a commercial construction company (with a cutting edge app) that built and maintained spaces around the northeastern US for some of the most interesting tech startup companies, VC firms and and Ivy League schools that I never imagined I'd work with, until I worked with them. Before that I was a humanitarian activist that launched viral projects that made international headlines. I don't know how to sit on the sidelines waiting to affect the changes I want to see.
Taking voids - whether that void is an empty office floor, an empty database and file manager, or an empty place full of beaten down people - and building something epic, is just part of who I am. No sense in trying to change it. So in April of 2021 I jumped in with an ad-hoc team of a project that a developer had abandoned.
The community was trying to save what was left there. And to be honest there wasn't much there, but the ad-hoc team was fantastic. In fact, that's where I met Stevo, the Banana Kingdoms lead artist. I built some front-end tech and branding for them in a few days time, face lifting the project and in that, learned the space, relatively quick. I then immediately began to build a few versions of what I thought would fill this void I had.
Was it direction, did I need to build a review magazine to tell me what game was good? Nope.
Was it a social network I needed to build, for people like me, would they help me find the good games I so desperately needed to fill this void? Nope.
Was it an API I needed to build, that could take awesome games that already existed and add blockchain token tech to them, attached to a social network for people like me? Nope. I built all 3, then scrapped them.
I'm builder, a gamer, and an investor.
And the truth was, I needed to build a game, coupled with an investment vehicle that leads to a place where anyone feeling this void can fill it. I need an Arcade, one with my own title on the arcade floor. Not literally. Bit figuratively.
And a year later, here we are. Approaching the starting line of a journey that's now no longer just a personal journey to fill a void. But an entire community with a lot of promise.
So here's my promise to them, and to you:
To build something with an amazing story, something that moves you and keeps you immersed after a long day, something that nails the craving for a type of momentum and progress, that you can take with you even after you've gotten up and walked away from the screen. To build something that we all own, and can earn from. With the Banana Kingdom and the AFG Guild.
To build a place we can go, to discover and rent high quality assets in the hottest game titles that will make up the tidal wave of blockchain gaming to come. With the Ape Fun Arcade.
And lastly, to build something that's timeless, something that lasts, and gets better with age.
This Whitepaper is my blueprint for delivering on that promise, and I look forward to you joining me on the journey toward making it a reality.
Founder of Ape Fun Gaming
PS: Now that we've gotten to know each other, stop into our Discord if you get some free time. And don't hesitate to send me a DM with a question, or just to say hello :)
The Pre-Game KongQuest (Pre-Game Competition for NFTs)
Banana Kingdom (Official Game Website )
Ape Fun Gaming (Official Company & Guild Website)
By continuing, you agree you've read this documents Disclaimer.
The Banana Kingdom is a an upcoming RTSMMO blockchain game where players use 5 different base element tokens to craft the weapon-and-gear NFTs they’ll need to battle for the top spot in the game. Play solo as a nomadic Wanderer of the 4 regions, or battle for land and status as part of a regional tribe. In the Banana Kingdom, your crafting materials and battle earnings are tokens, your weapons, gear, tool sets, rank, tribes regional status class and land are all NFTs that give you different avenues to earn and expand your turf. Get a head start on your journey to becoming the ruler of the Banana Kingdom by joining us in the Pre-Game KongQuest. After you join head over to your KongQuest dashboard to begin your journey ~
All KongQuest prizes and discounted Rank NFTs are limited and available on a first come first serve basis. KongQuest ends when Regional Status NFT prizes are exhausted.
Tribal Rank NFTs determine your rank within a tribe, within a specific region, within the game. They come in two editions: The KongQuest Founders Edition & Kingdom Players Edition.
KongQuest Founders Edition Rank NFTs are fully animated and there are 100 variations to choose from in total. Each rank in each region has 5 sub-editions. Mintpasses can be bought in the KongQuest app. Mintpass holders can mint these when the KongQuest ends. The entire animated KFE game set has a 128,000 Max Supply made up of 4,000 Chieftains, 4,000 Oracles, 8,000 Commanders, 32,000 Builders and 80,000 Warriors broken up equally across 4 regions within the game. This set was released in November 2021.
Technical Note: These can only be accessed in the KongQuest.
Kingdom Players Edition Rank NFTs retain the same in-game utility as the KongQuest Founders Edition. The art comes in 25 non-animated variations made up of each rank's Sub-Edition #1 base art. The entire animated KPE game set (like the founders edition) has a 128,000 Max Supply made up of 4,000 Chieftains, 4,000 Oracles, 8,000 Commanders, 32,000 Builders and 80,000 Warriors broken up equally across 4 regions within the game. made up of 128,000 are 25 non-animated variations to choose from in total. These won't become available when the founders edition sells out but rather, when the games active player base reaches 128,000. Projected release of this set is late 2023 to first half of 2024.
The KongQuest has begun!
The KongQuest is a competition for our Regional Status Class NFTs, 2000 of the rarest NFTs in the game. Winners who claim prizes receive mint passes tied to their KongQuest account which are redeemable when the KongQuest ends. The KongQuest - or KQ for short - launched on November 23rd 2021 to a small founding audience and in addition to the prizes, it's the only way to lock in access to our Tribal Rank NFTs at a discount.
A lot of care and detail were put into the KongQuest app. From the linear storylines as you work your way through each region, to the overall layout and design. And that care was taken for 2 specific reasons: To reward early supporters of the game, and to give diehard supporters a way to contribute to the development of the project in its earliest phase.
The KQ app itself is a fully contained social network where players can: Compete in the KongQuest for prizes, grab discounted mint passes (that are gated by your KQ rank), prebuild a tribe, earn from their tribal members progression in the KongQuest, stake Ape Fun Tokens, farm rewards, and get a small glimpse of the games art and lore.
To participate in the KongQuest, head over and create an account. Once you're signed in, head to the My KongQuest page and chose one (or more) of the 4 Banana Kingdom regions then select “Climb the Ranks”.
In each region you start as a Wastelander who's snuck into the Kingdom, a defector of the Wasteland Kongs hoards. You arrive in search of a better future. Each region has it’s own challenges, rewards, story, and path to follow that culminates in the reaching of Apex Kong within the app. Completing all 4 KongQuests nets it's own secret reward, a Kingdom weapon that can only be earned in the KongQuest.
Kingdom weapons are weapons that can be used in any region. See "Merging Weapons From Different Regions" in the Crafting & Battling section for more about Kingdom weapons.
The KongQuest takes, at a minimum - for the most dedicated of questers - 4-5 months to complete. It officially ends when the last Regional Status Class NFT is claimed by a quester. At the current pace we believe that’ll happen in early 2023. But it could end as soon as early Q4 2022.
We've made sure to map out dozens of sustainable ways to earn in the game via the ownership of different Banana Kingdom assets. Banana Kingdom assets that'll help you earn include Tribal Rank NFTs, our Regional Status NFTs, our Land NFTs and our Wanderer NFTs. In the coming sections we'll go over each asset in depth.
To play the game (at a minimum) you need a Wanderer NFT, holding a Wanderer NFT gives you access to the game, and unlocks your weapon-and-gear crafting dashboard, story mode, battle mode, and the Builder and Oracle marketplaces. So lets begin by talking about accessing the game, and who gets access first.
Oracles are second to the chief in every tribe and have a very unique privilege in the Kingdom...
Having an Oracle NFT gives you a special privilege unlike any other in the Kingdom: the ability to enhance weapons with the Shard Essence Token and being part of a tribe unlocks that feature for your fellow tribe members. As an Oracle, you also have the ability to craft alchemic gear. This gear set will open up an entire world of possibilities through your Oracle dashboard.
As an Oracle, you get access to a unique dashboard where you can fill the weapon-and-gear enhancement requests of any player, of any rank or status in your region. Oracle-less tribes and Wanderers looking for an edge will be able to post requests for your services or browse enhancement services you offer.
Leveling up your alchemic gear will allow you to charge more for higher level enhancements in your region. Merging similar alchemic gear of the same class from the 4 regions will net you Kingdom alchemic gear, allowing you to enhance weapons and gear from all over the Kingdom, not just within your region.
Being an Oracle within a tribe has even greater benefits. Oracles are entitled to a percentage of all tokens their tribe spends on crafting - depending on what status class their tribe belongs to. See the Earnings by Class section below.
Read more about Kingdom weapons and gear in the "Merging Weapons & Gear" section.
Oracles in a tribe that conquers land get 3% of all tokens spent on that land by all players in or outside of their tribe. Another 2% goes into their Commander Armory.
Oracles can challenge any other Oracle or Chieftain of the same class or higher (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Commander. Winning can net you either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.
Oracles of an Apex Tribe earn 5% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of an Apex Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Apex's.
Oracles of a Kong Tribe earn 4% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of a Kong Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.
Oracles of an Elite Tribe earn 3% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of an Elite Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Oracles of a Settled Tribe earn 2% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.
Oracles of an Unknown Tribe earn 1% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.
For more info on Status Classes, see the Regional Status Class page.
Bananatopian Oracles’ are feared even by their own tribe members. Their wisdom and power come from highly guarded secrets passed down from one Oracle to the next from the Great Kong himself. Once learned, their attacks are nearly unstoppable in battle. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
The powers of the Neverii Oracle gives their tribe the ability to transport to different lands and back to the Neverian Peaks using the Mountain Våpor only they have the ability to control. It is believed that they are able to transport their spirits into living and non-living creatures to aid in battle and reconnaissance. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
The mystical order of Kongite Oracles is legendary in the Kingdom. Few are chosen and even fewer survive the spiritual transformation required to become a Kongite Oracle, but those that do are revered and respected by their tribes and their enemies alike. Legend says that the most powerful Oracles have the ability to transform themselves into an ancient dragon on the battlefield. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
Apexian Oracles are the first generation of AI beings in the Kingdom. Nearly impossible to destroy, they are able to transfer their consciousness into other Oracles or machines. In battle, they have the ability to control machines and weapons connected to the Apexian Mainframe. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
As we mentioned in the last section, there are 5 classes of tribes in the Banana Kingdom: The Unknown, The Settled, The Elite, The Kong's, and the Apex's. These 5 classes are known as "Regional Status" classes. For your tribe to enter into one of the upper 4 regional status classes, you have to lead your tribe into battle for the NFT, or buy it on the open market. Chieftains and their tribe members who attain a higher status class for their tribe will reap the benefits of higher earnings in many ways.
The majority of the games Tribal Chieftains won't belong to any status class. It's unknown where they may venture to, what lands they may conquer, and what class they belong to. All chiefs begin the game as a great big Unknown — but with the potential to rise through the classes, and ultimately rule the Kingdom.
In short, being an Unknown chief leading an unknown tribe just means that your status class is unknown. Your tribe is capped at 10 members with the exception of the 12 tribes that win their regional Tournaments and enter the Tournament of the Apex's for a shot at the throne, and Kingdom's largest prize pool. You also earn 2% of all tokens your tribe spends on crafting and your Oracles earn 1%.
Ahead of the Game: Win one in the KongQuest
Later On: Buy one on the open market.
In the Game: Win one in TvT (tribe vs tribe) Class Warfare against a Settled Tribe.
There are 4 classes in the Kingdom and then there are 4 types of Regional Status class NFTs and they're based on the 4 regions: Bananatopia, Neverian Peaks, Kong Steppe and Apex City. A Chieftain must hold the Regional Status NFT for it to be activated in-game. Chieftains in each region must also hold that regions corresponding class NFT in order to utilize it in the game. Ex. An Apexian Chief, needs an Apexian Status NFT.
With the complex math out of the way, lets get into the status classes, starting with the Settled Status class.
Additional benefits of belonging to one of the four status classes is shown in the Monthly Tournaments & Additional Earnings by Class sections on each Tribal Rank page.
The Settled Status class is the largest of the four classes comprised of 250 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the middle class and it's a relatively peaceful class of hardworking Apes who enjoy a 10 member buffer of protection against Unknown tribes. Unknown tribes generally don't target Settled tribes, they're often too busy trying to overthrow the Apex Tribes and dethrone the Ruler of the Banana Kingdom.
The settled have 20 members each. Settled tribes can fight can fight any against any settled, elite, kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Tokens or control of that regions open land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Elite Status class is the second largest of the four classes comprised of 150 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the upper-middle class. Elites tend to focus on land conquering and building up to the next class in order to achieve the higher prize tournament-rewards and the additional 10 members that help with further land taking.
The elite have 30 members each. Elite tribes can fight any against any elite, kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown or settled tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Kong Status class is the third largest of the four classes comprised of 75 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the upper class. Kong's (AKA Battle Kong's) because their members typically own a Battle Kong or 2 tend to focus on the throne and getting into the Apex Status class.
The kong tribes have 40 members each. Kong tribes can fight any against any kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown, settled or elite tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Apex Status class is the most exclusive of the four classes comprised of only 25 tribes per region. It's the first world version of the ruling elite class. Apex's typically own land and totems, and focus on regional domination and the throne.
The apex tribes have 50 members each. Apex tribes can fight any against any apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown, settled, elite or kong tribes for Banana Tokens. Unlike other classes they can't fight for a higher status other than ruler of the Kingdom in the Tournament of the Apex's.
Game access will happen on a rolling basis, below are the NFTs you'll need to get access and when that access will be granted.
Our Battle Kong landlord NFT holders will get the first look at the game, and access to their land development dashboards in 2023.
Land Owners and holders of any edition Chieftain NFT will get private access to the game. Available gameplay will be limited to PvP battle. Full weapon and gear crafting capabilities will also be available. Minting will be disabled until the Marketplace is launched.
Land Owners and holders of any edition Tribal Rank NFT will get private access to the game. Full gameplay will be available including everything above plus the minting of any crafted items, tribe building, tribe vs tribe battle and open land battle.
Open access is open too everyone above plus holders of any edition Wanderer NFT. Single player story mode will be available to all, in edition to the full gameplay above.
Tribal Chieftains are the leaders of the game. Collaborating with their Tribe and Land Owners to reach the Apex pinnacle of the game: Ruler of the Banana Kingdom.
Chieftain NFT holders are the only players in the game able to launch their own tribe. Starting out as an Unknown Chieftain leading a tribe of up to 10 players in the unique region marked on their NFT. Chieftains will grow and lead a tribe into battle for land, status and big monthly tournament prizes.
Let's talk class. In the Kingdom, there are 5 classes of tribes: The Unknown, The Settled, The Elite, The Kong's, and the Apex's. These 5 classes are known as "Regional Status" classes. For your tribe to enter into one of the 4 regional status classes, you have to lead your tribe into battle for the status class NFT, or buy it on the open market. Chieftains who attain a higher status class for their tribe will reap the benefits of higher earnings in many ways.
See Regional Status NFTs for more.
The majority of the games Tribal Chieftains won't belong to any status class. It's unknown where they may venture to, what lands they may conquer, and what class they belong to. All chiefs begin the game as a great big Unknown — but with the potential to rule the Kingdom.
Chieftains earn the highest percentage of all tokens expended by players in their tribe. That percentage goes up for Chieftains who conquer land. See the 2 earnings sections below.
Tribes with no regional status get to compete in the Tournament of the Unknown. Held monthly, it's the most unique tournament in the Kingdom. The top 3 winning tribes in each region are allowed to recruit 40 Wanderers from their region and will go on to compete in Tournament of the Apex's, getting a chance at the Kingdom's biggest monthly prize pool and a shot at dethroning the Ruler of the Banana Kingdom. Unknown tribes working together with the Kingdom's Wanderers are the only players (outside of Apex Tribes) that get a clear shot at the throne without being in an Apex Tribe.
Read the backstory that led to this tournament in the "Wanderers" section of the Story Mode page.
Chieftains who conquer land get 15% of all tokens spent on that land by all players in or outside of their tribe. Their Oracles get 3% and another 2% goes into their Commander Armory.
Chieftains can challenge any other Chieftain of the same class or higher in PvP battle and accept fights from any Oracle. Winning can net you either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.
Chieftains can also initiate tribal battle, whenever they'd like, against any other land holding tribe within their region (of the same class or higher) in TvT battle for land. They can also challenge any other tribe of the same class to a fight for Status and Banana Tokens, and accept fights from other Tribes of the same or of a lower status. Note: tribes of the same status cannot fight each other for their own status NFTs.
Chieftains of an Apex Tribe earn 15% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Chieftains of an Apex Tribe also receive 20% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Apex's.
Chieftains of a Kong Tribe earn 10% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Chieftains of a Kong Tribe also receive 20% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.
Chieftains of an Elite Tribe earn 7.5% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Chieftains of an Elite Tribe also receive 20% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Chieftains of a Settled Tribe earn 5% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed or kept by you.
Chieftains of an Unknown Tribe earn 2% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.
Bananatopian Chieftains are seen by their tribe members as the actual embodiment of the Great Kong. The Oracles have imbued them with the ability to wield any weapon and withstand nearly any attack. As an enemy, you would be wise to steer clear. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
Neverii Chieftains wield power only understood by Oracles and fellow Neverii Chieftains. Every Neverii Chieftain must make a sacred journey to the top of the Neverian Peaks to complete their transformation which infuses their mind, body and spirit with Mountian Våpor and the granite of the mountains itself. They are impossibly strong and devastating in battle. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
To become a Kongite Chieftain, you must have mastered all ranks below you: weapons handling, building, combat skills, and mystical abilities. Chieftains are legends in their own right by the time they reach this level, and they are worshipped by their tribe members for their god-like abilities in battle. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
Apexian Chieftains are the epitome of Apexian technological prowess, fusing their minds and bodies with Apexian AI and advanced bionic enhancements to aid them in battle. Their abilities surpass those of the Apexian Oracles due to their superior intelligence and knowledge of both the ape and machine worlds. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
Having a Builder NFT allows you a more open world experience than others, whether you're part of a tribe or not.
Being a Builder unlocks the ability to collaborate and earn from perimeter defense construction, and land-wide defensive buff crafting jobs posted by land owners, totem holders and land conquerors. In short, Builders are in charge of defense construction for the entire Kingdom.
Builders are also the only players that can craft tools that allow them to build across their region. Combining similar tools of the same class from the 4 regions allows builder to craft a Kingdom tool which opens up an entire map of earnings possibilities.
The benefits of being a builder are enhanced by being part of a tribe. Builders that are part of a tribe with an Oracle enjoy the ability to craft tools and defensive buffs of a much higher caliber with Shard Essence token. Oh and there's the monthly tournament prize pools as well.
Read more about Kingdom weapons and gear in the "Merging Weapons & Gear" section of the Crafting & Battling page.
Builders can challenge any other Builder or Commander of the same class or higher (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Warrior. Winning can net you either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.
Builders of an Apex Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Apex's.
Builders of a Kong Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.
Builders of an Elite Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.
Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.
Bananatopian builders are known for creating weapons and structures using natural and traditional materials. The complexity and strength they are able to achieve by using the natural resources at hand is as impressive as it is effective. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 8000.
Neverii Builders are known for being immensely strong and powerful, crafting weapons, armor and structures from iron, rock and wood harvested from the Neverain Peaks. Despite their huge frames and massive ape hands, Neverii builder creations are some of the most intricate and beautiful in the Kingdom. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 8000.
Kongite Builders use ancient traditional techniques preserved and passed down from generations before them. Their swords and armor are sought after from all over the Kingdom, and their buildings are works of art. Rumor has it that even the Banana Kong owns a few custom made Kongite weapons of his own. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 8000.
Apexian Builders are master engineers who are able to craft the modern weapons and structures. Apex City wouldn’t exist without them. Always looking to expand the empire, they can turn an open plot of land into a thriving city with surprising speed and efficiency. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 8000.
Required reading before continuing:
Apex Kong's were once the titans of the world, massive beasts that roamed the planet until the Wasteland Kong began a brutal war. Now only a few remain. The protective energy of the Apex Kong's are channeled through your totem. Apex Kong Totem holders who conquer an open plot receive 20% of all tokens spend on their land as well as all the features of their land dashboard below.
Totem art is all identical, 3,000 will be made available for mint at 1/2 the price a Battle Kong. Holders of one Battle Kong from each of the Kingdom's four regions will be able to mint one. Apex Kong Totems will be available on Ethereum in late 2022.
Totem holders have the same land dashboard as Battle Kong holders - with the exception of the prize pool percentage of 8%, totem holders receive 5% - so if you've read the previous page, you can skip this part. If not, check it out, it's well worth the read.
New players are randomly assigned to a plot of land based on an algorithm that distributes new players evenly across each region. Land owners have the ability to recruit new players from outside of the game. When that player begins the game, they begin on the land owner's plot. This feature is useful if the land owner has friends, family or an attractively developed plot of land.
Land owners can kick any wanderer or tribe from their land. These kicked players are moved to the closest open plot of land. This feature is useful if your plot's maxed out with non active players, or if you want to allow a specific tribe or player access to your plot but there isn't any space.
Land owners have the ability to communicate with all Wanderers and Tribal Chiefs on their land. This is key when it comes to asset lending and tournament strategy.
Land owners will have the ability to lend any weapon or gear item they've crafted - or bought in the Marketplace - to any player on their land. This feature not only enhances a player, or tribes ability to win in PvP or TvT (tribe vs tribe) battles, it also helps an active land owner increase their earnings.
Once a monthly tournament begins, all tribes are locked to the plot of land they occupy. If a tribe on your land wins the tournament, you receive 5% of the prize pool. This is all trackable through your land dashboard.
You'll be able to collaborate with Builders on land-wide defense systems that add a defensive perimeter to the land, should you be ready to move your totem. You'll sleep better knowing you've got a conquered plot more heavily defended.
Only tribes can conquer land.
Warriors are the first line of defense in a tribe, this NFT is for those who love constant PvP battle.
Take on the hoards of Wanderers as a Warrior in your region, or play as part of a tribe to maximize your earnings. Warriors are the only rank that can fight the the Kingdoms largest undefined class of player in PvP battle: The Wanderer.
Pair up with the right Commander and get access to powerful weapons and gear through their ability to lend their assets to you for any length of time.
Warriors that are part of a tribe that conquers land get access to a funded armory through their Commander. Borrow high powered weapons and gear to help you in your PvP battles.
Warriors can challenge any other Warrior or Builder of the same class or higher (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Wanderer. Winning can net you either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.
Warriors of an Apex Tribe split a 25% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Apex's.
Warriors of a Kong Tribe split a 25% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Warriors of an Elite Tribe split a 25% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.
Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.
Bananatopian Warriors’ training starts at a young age, learning fighting techniques said to have been passed down from the Great Kong himself. Don’t let their low ranking fool you; they are fierce and dangerous in battle. As the lowest ranking tribe member, there’s only one way to go – up. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.
Neverii Warriors’ savage reputation is well deserved. Honoring their ancestors in battle is what drives them and they show no mercy to their enemies. By collecting Mountain Våpor to create increasingly powerful weapons and armor, the Neverii Warrior are a force to be reckoned with. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 20,000.
Known for being quick and lethal assassins, Kongite Warriors are feared by all. They are just as dangerous alone as they are in groups, so enemy tribes would be wise to watch their backs… you never know what might be lurking in the shadows. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 20,000.
Apexian Warriors are purveyors of modern warfare, using their technological advantage against enemies with more traditional fighting techniques. Mostly feared for the arsenal at their disposal, Apexian Warriors are just as comfortable with hand-to-hand combat. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 20,000.
There are 3 ways to own and control land in the game: 1. 2. with a totem and 3. from other players who want your turf.
The game will have a max land supply of 24,000 plots. 12,000 plots are ownable, predetermined non-moveable locations with feature packed land-owner dashboards governed by you: the Battle Kong of that land.
The other 12,000 plots in the game are open land plots. They can't be traded or sold as a traditional NFT, instead, the land plots remain open for players to conquer.
Players who conquer one of these 12,000 open plots of land and own an Apex Kong Totem can enjoy all the land-owner benefits of a Battle Kong holder including not having to defend it from anyone. Totems can also be moved from any one conquered plot, to another conquered plot, anywhere on the map, at any time. So if you need to build up a defending tribe on a plot you conquered, you can, before you move on to the next one.
Players who don't own a Battle Kong, or a totem, can conquer open land just like anyone else, but they'll need a strong enough tribe to defend it from the takeover attempts of other hungry tribes.
Each plot at the start of the game - when we launch - has the capacity for 50 players. Your plots capacity for players will double with each doubling of the games player base. This is the main reason for the low amount of total plots. It's also a major value add for land owners, totem holders and conquering tribes.
Read on to learn more about the NFTs themselves, your rights as a holder, and the features of your land dashboard...
Commanders and Warriors are like family. They live, train, eat and fight together.
Commanders enable Warriors to fight, which makes them responsible for the Warriors in their tribe. As a Commander, you'll have a unique ability that only land owners have: The ability to lend weapons and gear to your warriors from your personal stash, or from the Commanders Armory. Bolstering that strong fighting spirit at the lowest ranks through lending is to your tribes advantage, and to yours as well. You'll see why in the next section.
Level 1 Commanders can lend their own weapons and gear to Warriors under their command. Level 3 Commanders will unlock the Commanders armory. An armory that's funded passively through your tribes conquering and battling. Use the armory to craft the right weapons and gear to lend to Warriors under your command.
In addition, Warriors of tribes with more than 1 Commander get to choose their Commander when they're accepted into the tribe. Commanders get an overview of a warriors PvP fighting stats. How many battles they've had, and won. Commanders who aren't satisfied with their new recruit can kick them from their unit, sending them back to the tribes warrior applicant pool where another commander can accept them or not.
Warriors will be involved in more PvP battle than anyone in the Kingdom. Constantly challenged by Wanderers, a Warrior is constantly in battle. Commanders will receive 4% of all Banana Tokens earned by their Warriors in any type of battle except for tournament battle. Through unit building, asset lending and Armory curating, a Commander can build quite a formidable fighting force, and earn from it.
Commanders of a tribe that conquers land enjoy a fully funded armory. 2% of all tokens spent on crafting on tribe controlled land by all players on that land goes into the Commander Armory Treasury. Each tribes Commander has a separate Treasury and Armory they control. If they leave the tribe, funds and the armory stays with the tribe and can be utilized by the next Commander.
Commanders can challenge any other Commander, or Oracle of the same class (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Builder. Winning can net them either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.
Commanders of an Apex Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.
Commanders of a Kong Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.
Commanders of an Elite Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.
Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.
Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.
For more info on Status Classes, see the Regional Status Class page.
Bananatopian Commanders strike fear into the hearts of apes, adorning themselves with the bones of their fallen enemies. Much more powerful than their Warrior kin, they have been known to take out multiple enemies on the battlefield single handedly. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.
Neverii Commanders live for battle and will turn any encounter into a fight if given the chance. Their reputation for relentless attack is enough to cause their enemies to lay down their weapons to avoid a fight, which only serves to disappoint them. To a Neverii Commander, battle = life. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.
Kongite Commanders fight with pride and honor, but that doesn’t make them less forgiving in battle. Unparalleled technique and ferocity are trademarks of these highly respected and revered fighters who are capable of dealing catastrophic damage to enemy tribes. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.
Apexian Commanders are battle hardened leaders whose appetite for destruction is only tempered by their tactical prowess. Their explosive power is feared across the Kingdom Lands and intimidates even the fiercest opponents Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.
Harvested by the Bananatopian Canopyapes, the Junglewood token (WOOD) is used in the construction of defensive structures as well as weapons crafting. The Junglewood token will have a maximum supply of 5 billion tokens.
WOOD token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/WOOD pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found here.
At the start of the game there will be over 100 different weapons per region that can be enhanced with Shard Essence. To craft these weapons you'll need the 4 different tokens in the coming sections. Using different amounts of tokens will net you different weapon builds. Once you have an array of weapons, you'll be able to combine any 2 of the same weapon to craft an entirely new weapon not shown as a locked basic weapon in your weapons dashboard.
Once you have the formulas down for base weapons and merge a few, you'll quickly find out you can merge 2 of the same merged weapons to create an even greater weapon, and so on. And the same goes for gear. At the start of the game each region will have about 30 different sets of gear. Each set will be made up of 6-8 different equipable items. You'll be able to mix and match these items, each of witch provide their own defensive bonuses and unique buffers in combat.
Any item you craft can be minted to the Kingdom marketplace. Any marketplace combat item you buy becomes part of your inventory in the game, you can relist it later, enhance it, merge it with a similar weapon to create a new weapon and so on. The same goes for gear. As of now, weapons and gear from one region are not useable in another region, except in tournaments.
In the game you'll have Bananatopian, Neverii, Kongite and Apexian weapons. The only way to use a weapon across different regions is to fuse 4 weapons (one from each region) of single weapon type and weapon class into a Kingdom weapon. The Kingdom Staff that can be won in the KongQuest is one such weapon. You can see a concept version of this weapon on the homepage of the KQ app. It fused all 4 Apex Kong rank structures from the KQ into the clubbing end of a staff. That staff can be used in any region. And the same goes for gear.
We won't reveal too many of the mechanics here, or break down all the fine details until after the land sale. We don't want anyone stealing our proprietary formula but, you will have PvP and TvT (tribe vs tribe) battle options, as well as monthly tournaments. If you're really confident in your equipment, you'll also have the chance to structure your ideal opponents and enable an autobattler feature. This will open up your character to auto battles against anyone who takes the bait - while you sleep. But, this section is about Battle Assets, not mechanics and that's where the Banana token comes into play. You will need Bananas for everything battle related except the tournaments. Why - and how the combat system works - will be revealed after we hold our land sale.
Required reading before continuing: Owning Land and Conquering Open Plots
To get access to a special land dashboard plus 20% of all tokens spent by players who live on your plot.
Unlike the Kong and totem dashboards, you won't be able to recruit new players from outside the game to this wild plot you've conquered. However, you will be able to allow players to teleport from anywhere in the Kingdom, to your plot through your dash.
Land conquerors can kick any wanderer from their land. These kicked players are moved to the closest open plot of land. This feature is useful if your plot's maxed out with non-active players, or if you want to allow a specific tribe or player access to your plot but there isn't any space.
Land conquerors have the ability to communicate with all Wanderers and Tribal Chiefs on their land.
Once a monthly tournament begins, all tribes are locked to the plot of land they occupy. If a tribe on your land wins the tournament, you receive 3% of the prize pool. This is all trackable through your land dashboard.
You'll be able to collaborate with Builders on land-wide defense systems that add a defensive perimeter to the land you've conquered. You'll sleep better knowing you've got a conquered plot more heavily defended.
Only tribes can conquer land.
Wanderers are former wastelanders disaffected with the rule of the Wasteland Kong. Arriving by the thousands they've taken an oath and pledged fealty to the Banana Kong, Ruler of the Banana Kingdom. For that pledge the Banana Kong granted them asylum. Through this asylum came the freedom to roam the Kingdom, a freedom not granted to wastelanders. They converts are know as Wanderers.
Unsure of where they belong in Kingdom society, wanderers often stick to themselves, building up their strength and arsenal so that they can one day compete in the Tournament of the Unknown.
Most apes pay them no mind as they go about their day to day, most even take pity on them but the upper houses of Apex City - once wastelanders themselves - didn't like what they deemed to be the filth of the Kingdom. Forgetting their own roots generations ago when the Great Kong built the Banana Kingdom as a refuge for wastelanders, the upper house of Apex hatched a plot. The goal? Rid the Kingdom of the wasteland scum.
A secret meeting took place, among the attendees were a select droup of Apexian Oracles and Chieftains. Their plan? Overthrow the Banana Kong and claim the throne.
Not long after, a splinter group of specialized Oracles crafted an immobilizing powder from made with shard essence and the Banana Kong's own Oracle mixed it into the Kong's evening dinner. Banana Kong hasn't exited his Temple since.
With the Banana Kong out of the way, rumors of his ailing health led the emboldened upper houses of Apex City to contest the throne. A series of inter-family wars waged privately in dark allies and through poisonings took place in the affluent neighborhoods of Apex City.
It wasn't long before these wars spilled out into the daylight. Blood on the streets of the city, for all to see.
To end this warring and solve the issue of the throne, tribal leaders from across the Kingdom came together in the Great Hall and passed a new decree.
The ruler of the Banana Kingdom would be the Apex class Chieftain who was victorious in the Tournament of the Apex's.
The tribal leaders, most of them belonging to the Apex class and hungry for power themselves, quickly passed this decree into law.
The winner of the Tournament of the Apex's would rule the Kingdom. Every Apex tribe would have a fair shot at the throne every month.
The lower status tribes, unconcerned with who rules what, didn't hesitate to embrace the new law. In fact they saw it as an opportunity to advance and maybe one day rule themselves. But there were grumblings a lot further down the chain, at the outskirts of society. Not all apes were happy.
Unknown Chieftains still loyal to the Banana Kong began holding late night meetings with the Kingdoms Wanderers. They became Chieftains under the rule of the Banana Kong and didn't forget where their loyalties lied. Unlike the rest of the Kingdom's Chieftains, Unknown Chieftains belonged to no class, and by law they were restricted to tribes of 10, barred from tournaments and these tribes were constantly at war with each other.
And this life on the outskirts, was by design...
To keep them unorganized and weak the upper houses would start conflicts between these lower tribes and arm the side that pledged fealty to them over the Banana Kong. They'd been doing it for a generation in an attempt to keep wastelanders from achieving... well from achieving anything at all that resembles a normal life.
Confined to the slums on the edges of each region, those loyal to the Banana Kong had had enough. An entire generation had been raised as outcasts by some of the hardest people in the Kingdom. And they were ready for a fight. The goal: take down the upper houses and free the Banana Kong.
The days to come are known throughout the Kingdom as the Days of the Black Sun.
50,000 Wanderers led by over 1000 Unknown tribes marched on Apex City. Using primitive catapults they quickly reduced the upper house district around Banana Kong's Temple to rubble. The smoke and dust turned day to night. A large defensive perimeter, miles long was constructed by the hoards Builders. They soon settled in.
"We will not leave until Banana Kong is free", were their demands.
And they could not leave, even if they wanted to. Because far out from their center, all along their perimeter, stood the vast armies of Apex City.
The Oracles would not relinquish the Banana Kong, locking themselves within his temple, continuing to feed him their powder.
With no way into the temple and running out of food, the Chieftains of the Unknown drafted a letter to each of the regions Council of Chieftains.
Weeks went by...
It was nearly dawn when a scout in a frenzy burst into his Chieftains tent, the apes were nearly starving. The Chieftain awoke to a shaking ground and chaotic yelling in every direction.
This was it he thought.
And before he could ponder what would be a gruesome death in the coming moments...
"Sir the armies of the Jungle, Peaks, and Steppe have arrived!" The scout blurted out.
"Fetch my Oracle, tell her to call a meeting of the council immediately" the chieftain responded.
Within days the armies of Apex City pulled away from the perimeter. Soon after, Chieftains from all 4 regions descended on the Great Hall to cast a vote. The vote had passed.
Free the Banana Kong, and with the gravity of that vote backed up by 3 massive armies, the upper houses of Apex City fell in line.
The Banana Kong was immediately released. The Oracles responsible were tortured for weeks and then exiled. Those Oracles - who belonged to no tribe - gave up no information on who their masters were. And it remains a mystery, even now...
Before the armies of dispersed a second vote was cast, and it passed.
Unknown tribes were to be granted the right to compete in a tournament designed to balance power in the Kingdom by wits and strength, not through power, stealth and murder.
A tournament was designed for Wanderers and Unknowns alike, the Tournament of the Unknown.
The details stated that the top 3 tribes who emerged victorious from each of the 4 regions could compete in the Tournament of the Apex's for a shot at the throne. Unknown Chieftains were to select 40 Wanderers from their region making them ready for the possibility of an even 50 vs 50 fight in the Kingdoms top tournament held every month.
The Settled and Elite Status classes rejoiced, former wanderers and Unknowns themselves they thought it a novel idea.
One that would keep the lower class from attacking them even, and they soon began to flourish.
The Kong and Apex classes were not impressed. Even though they were split between loyalty to Banana Kong and loyalty to the upper houses they were unified in disgust, and fear.
Those who's allegiance lied with the upper houses of Apex City simply didn't like wanderers or the Unknowns, they were all outsiders and criminals in their eyes.
The Kong and Apex tribes who's allegiance lied with the Banana Kong didn't like it either, knowing that it would embolden the Unknowns, and strengthen the Settled and Elite classes beneath them. Those loyal to the Kong felt fear that their status was in jeopardy and began buying up massive amounts of Shard Essence, used to enhance weapons. The total supply dwindled and shard essence was difficult to get. If the lower classes can't have powerful weapons, their status would remain intact, they thought.
Not long after the armies dispersed, a third law passed. The use of Shard Essence was restricted. Only an Oracle could use it or grant the right to their tribe to use it. Builders, doing what they do best saw the opportunity in the shard trade and built a marketplace for the enhancement of weapons and gear that soon spread throughout the entire Kingdom. The restrictions seemed to make sense at first, but it led to a power imbalance. Warriors wanted to be Builders. Commanders wanted to become Oracles. Oracles, with their newfound power wanted to become Chieftains.
Wanderers ...could become rulers.
A new Kingdom was born out of the darkness of the black sun, and it was an unrecognizable frenzy of upward mobility.
What could one become in the Kingdom?
The answer lies with you -
Wanderers will have a total supply of 2.4 million across the game, or 600,000 per region. You'll need a wanderer NFT to enter the Kingdom.
Once you're in the full game is unlocked. You can collect the NFTs below in story mode.
Since wastelanders were banished there aren't many left in the Kingdom. The ones that are here are pretty stealthy though and can be found in small groups around the Kingdom when in story mode. You can recruit them and later use them in battle mode to spy on your oppents revealing their stats. They can also be hired straight out of the wastelands. Total Supply is unlimited. Wastelanders will be available in late 2022 either from the KQ app or from the Banana Kingdom website that will be launching in late summer of 2022.
Alternatively, you hire them straight from the Kingdom Marketplace once the game reaches the Open Access phase.
By hire we mean buy, but that sounded crude.
Various weapons and gear can be earned and collected in story mode. This equipment cannot be minted to the marketplace but it can be combined to make greater equipment, that can be minted later.
Handcrafted by the Tanneryapes of Apex City, the Apex Tanners token, (HYDE) is used in the crafting of weapons and gear. The Apex Tanners token will have a maximum supply of 5 billion tokens.
HYDE token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/HYDE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found .
Banana Tokens are the main currency of the Banana Kingdom. They can be won in PVP and Tribe vs Tribe battle and be used to pay for weapon, gear and tool enhancement services from regional Oracles and defense construction from regional Builders. All Battle Kong holders will receive a 6,250,000 Banana Token airdrop. As mentioned in the previous section, more will be revealed about the specific mechanics of how, and why this token is used (read as: staked) to unlock battle features. The Banana token will have a maximum supply of 500 billion tokens.
BANANA token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/BANANA pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found .
Entering into a bear market has major advantages for buyers and investors alike. Firstly, blockchain assets become relatively inexpensive. Secondly, the process of natural selection that a bear market brings about tends to kills off; subpar projects, short term cash-grab opportunists, and sadly, underfunded projects that may have amounted to something in a bull market.
In short, bear markets bring cream-of-the-crop projects and assets to the forefront, at exceptional prices.
The AFG Guild was planned in Q3 of 2021 but with the static of a raging bull market, and prices of assets sky high, we decided to postpone the launch. Opting to wait for the inevitable bear market the US Federal Reserve would create through its decision to raise interest rates. A bear market, which we believe will continue to play out and intensify over the summer. Giving our Guild a chance to go shopping, at a discount. This is not investment advice.
As it relates to us, and to the wider crypto world we’re in, a guild is typically a group of investors, who buy up blockchain game assets. They then lend these assets to players in developing nations, where the minimum wage is atrocious. The process of lending is called a Scholarship.
Players who receive a scholarship are appointed a manager who manually oversees the process and tracks a players progress. Players go on to use the assets to earn NFTs and Tokens, typically amounting to far more than minimum wage in their nation. The Guild takes 20-40%, reinvests in more assets, and perpetuates it’s own growth, under this model.
No, although we do like the humanitarian undertones. The reason for that is traditional guilds (mentioned above) put extreme amounts of downward pressure on a games assets. It isn’t the guilds fault, it’s typically the games fault as it was set up to heavily reward users holding low quality assets. This in turn puts downward pressure on that guilds assets. So it’s a win win for a bit, and then it all crashes. In short, the business models of traditional guilds, and the games they invest in, aren’t sustainable.
The AFG Guild’s focus is more about Quality assets that retain – and increase in – value, vs quantity of assets. We’re also more exclusive. Our Guildmaster membership only allows for 100 people. Our scholarship program, drafted by an MIT student will only allow for up-to 20 players, and our asset lending (2023-2024), only 200 people. This is because our end goal is to launch an asset rental app (the Ape Fun Arcade) for all of the assets in our vault. The reason for this is to automate the asset lending process leaving our Guild to operate much like a SaaS.
Instead of you buying a guild-access pass NFT and being paired with a scholarship manager who manually lends you an asset and tracks your progress, you’ll buy a monthly rental subscription NFT and the app will handle everything from there. An app with team reviews and user reviews, for each game.
Our market is slightly different also, they’re gamers who’d like to explore titles without having to dish out thousands of dollars on high-quality assets, just to see if they enjoy a title.
To join the governing body of the Guild, and enjoy the benefits that come with it, you'll need to own a Guildmaster NFT. There are only 100 of them, and 2 of them are permanently out of circulation. They belong to Caesar and Smash.
To join the larger guild, and get early access to the assets before the launch of the rental app, you'll need to purchase an Ape Fun Gaming All Access Pass.
Unearthed in the hills of Kong Steppe by the Bone Guild, (BONE) is renowned for it's lightweight durability and is used in the crafting of weapons and gear. Dragonbone can be broken down and fused with Obsidian (volcanic glass) found around the Kingdom to create different weapons with powerful attacks. The Dragonbone token will have a maximum supply of 5 billion tokens.
BONE token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/BONE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found here.
Required reading before continuing: Owning Land and Conquering Open Plots
Become the permanent landlord of a plot of Banana Kingdom land in one of our 4 regions by owning a Battle Kong. Kong's are 12,000 randomly generated PFP avatars with over 750 unique rarity traits, hand designed by Canadian artist Stevo over a 7 month period from 2021-2022. Battle Kong holders receive 20% of all 6 game tokens spent on their land as well as all the features of the land dashboard below. Battle Kong's will be releasing on Ethereum V2 later in 2022, specific date TBA.
This dashboard allows you to do an array of things that increase earnings and player retention. Enjoy!
New players are randomly assigned to a plot of land based on an algorithm that distributes new players evenly across each region. Land owners have the ability to recruit new players from outside the game, and when that player begins the game, they begin on the land owners plot. This feature is useful if the land owner has friends, family, or an attractively developed plot of land.
Land owners can kick any wanderer or tribe from their land. These kicked players are moved to the closest open plot of land. This feature is useful if your plot's maxed out with non active players, or if you want to allow a specific tribe or player access to your plot but there isn't any space.
Land owners have the ability to communicate with all Wanderers and Tribal Chiefs on their land. This is key when it comes to asset lending and tournament strategy.
Land owners will have the ability to lend any weapon or gear item they've crafted - or bought in the Marketplace - to any player on their land. This feature not only enhances a player, or tribes ability to win in PvP or TvT (tribe vs tribe) battles, it helps an active land owner increase their earnings.
Once a monthly tournament begins, all tribes are locked to the plot of land they occupy. If a tribe on your land wins the tournament, you receive 10% of the prize pool. This is all trackable through your land dashboard.
Builder NFT holders have a unique purpose within the game, they're peaceful by nature, and all about protecting players, and preventing losses in battle. We won't give away all the details but we'll say this, as a land owner you'll be able to collaborate with Builders to craft defensive buffs that you can apply to all players on your land. Builders and land owners will be able to earn more from this collab.
In addition to the utility above, Battle Kong holders enjoy personal and commercial intellectual property rights to their individual Kong's art. IP Rights in Detail: See Battle Kong IP Rights.
There is a private Discord channel for all Battle Kong holders.
3,000 Apex Kong's will be available for minting after the sale of the Battle Kong's. Apex Kong's allow you to protect a plot of open land you've conquered. Apex Kong's are only available to Battle Kong holders who hold 1 Battle Kong from each of the Kingdom's 4 regions. The cost to mint will be 1/2 the price of a Battle Kong, plus gas.
Shard Essence is made throughout the Kingdom by pulverizing shards from all 4 regions and mixing the shard dusts into infused pellets. Shard essence can be infused into core crafting elements or heated into powerful enhancement gems to enhance a characters core traits, weapons and gear. Those with enough stock can mold large parts of weapons and gear-sets from it. The Shard Essence token will have a maximum supply of 500 million tokens.
SHARD token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/SHARD pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found here.
A marketplace for all crafted weapons and gear. Powered by the Ape Fun Token
Built right into your game dashboard, mint crafted items directly to the market, or pick up something you need. Everything in the market will be available for purchase with the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain versions of the Ape Fun Token.
Also built in will be a swap for battle staking tokens, crafting material tokens and Builder & Oracle marketplace tokens. Swap pairs will include: AFT/BANANA, AFT/WOOD, AFT/ORE, AFT/BONE, AFT/HYDE, and AFT/SHARD.
Manufactured by the Neverian Peaks Alloy Miners, (ORE) is used in the construction of defensive structures as well as weapons and gear crafting. ORE can be refined into different metals that offer different offensive and defensive bonuses. The Alloy Base token will have a maximum supply of 5 billion tokens.
ORE token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/ORE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace. A full tokenomics breakdown can be found here.
Draft core mechanics of game. (completed)
Choose a plug-n-play studio to assist in game development. (completed)
Launch the Ape Fun Token. (completed)
Complete artwork for all NFT and Token assets. (completed)
Develop partner outreach strategy and contract marketing firm for land sale. (completed)
Launch the pre-game competition, the KongQuest. (completed)
Launch main game website, main project website and full whitepaper. (in progress)
Hold land sale and begin game development. (this happens when Ethereum V2 launches)
Fund liquidity / Launch crafting asset tokens: BANANA, WOOD, ORE, BONE, LEATHER and ESSENCE on Binance Smart Chain.
Add staking of AFT to farm these assets to the KongQuest app.
Fund liquidity / Bridge all Binance Token assets (including AFT) to Ethereum V2. Launch Bridge and engage Ethereum community.
Minting of Regional Status and Rank Tokens. (this happens when the KongQuest ends)
Our Battle Kong landlord NFT holders will get the first look at the game, and access to their land development dashboards in 2023.
Land Owners and holders of any edition Chieftain NFT holders will get private access to the game. Available gameplay will be limited to PvP battle. Full weapon and gear crafting capabilities will also be available.
Land Owners and holders of any edition Tribal Rank NFT will get private access to the game. Full gameplay will be available including everything above plus the minting of any crafted items, tribe building, tribe vs tribe battle and open land battle.
Included in your Ape Fun Gaming All Access Pass
Holders of these passes get 2 things, vault-asset use from 2023 to 2024 for free, and a mint pass for 1 Battle Kong in the fall. The Guild will be lazy-minting a 600 kong supply to the vault, 150 from each region. All Access Pass holders get first choice of region from the pool of 600 during the Battle Kong's whitelist access sale (and yes there are enough from each region to cover all requests!). You'll also be able to choose which Battle Kong you want from the pool available. Choosing will be based on which access pass you hold. Access Pass mint #1 will have first choice, mint #20, last choice.
To get an all access pass, head here to mint one.
The AFG Guild Treasury - governed by AFG Guild founders and Guildmasters - is similar to our Vault in that it holds NFT and Token assets in various projects. The main difference being the treasury holds short to medium term assets and the Vault holds long term assets that will be used in the Ape Fun Arcade. Guildmasters can vote a treasury asset into the vault during any monthly session.
The treasury is funded by different means split into 2 phases. During the first phase, the treasury is funded by a 1 quadrillion token supply of Ape Fun Tokens that release monthly over 20 months. It will be made available after the Guildmaster NFT sale. The Treasury will also be supplied with a 10% supply of the 6 Banana Kingdom tokens when they launch. More on that and the vesting schedule can be found at the bottom of this page here. During this phase the treasury will also fund itself through treasury actions proposed and passed by vote in the Guild Hall.
During the second phase the treasury will be funded by both treasury actions, and by revenue generated passively through the vault, the Ape Fun Arcade, and the Banana Kingdom. Details of which can be found in the Benefits of Being a Guildmaster section.
Treasure Bylaws, governed by AFG Guild founders and Guildmasters, stipulate a set guidelines that assist Guildmasters in governing the Treasury. Guildmasters will vote quarterly on bylaws. Genesis bylaws, drafted by AFG Guild founders cannot be changed by Guildmasters.
1. An asset can only be traded up or sold if the initial investment can be recouped. A founding member can allow for the bypassing of this bylaw under extenuating circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances would be if a project was seemingly abandoned, adapted (leading to dilution), or in the very rare case rugpulled. Also see #8 in this list.
2. Access to the Active Session channel must remain locked during each months voting period. This is to prevent duplicate voting.
3. Guildmaster voting schedules are conducted in EST (Eastern Standard Time).
4. The monthly vesting schedule of AFT, BANANA, WOOD, ORE, BONE, HYDE, and SHARD released to the Treasury for asset acquisition cannot be changed.
5. Once an asset is moved to the Vault, it is locked until phase 2, unless an AFG Guild founding member moves it back to the Treasury.
7. Projects and titles we invest in must have a doxxed team, have MMO elements, and pass our timeless test.
8. Founding members will act as a backstop if an emergent situation should arise within any project/title we hold assets in. What that means is an AFG Guild founding member can and may liquidate an asset from either the Treasury or Vault if an emergent situation should arise in a project we hold assets in. An emergent situation could be but isn't limited to a rugpull. All proceeds from a fire-sale like this would be moved to the Treasury.
A 100 person strong micro DAO
Guildmasters control the Treasury, and are charged with two very important Guild tasks, one a month. Voting on proposals to add or remove blockchain game NFT & Token assets from the Treasury. And voting on whether to reinvest or distribute a portion of Treasury profits. Voting will take place on the 25th, 26th 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th days of every month. With the exception of February. Allowing a 6 day period for Guildmasters to make proposals, and cast votes, at their own leisure.
The Guild will make money every month through the treasury in phase one and through both the vault and the treasury in phase two. Guild profit is made by acquiring game assets and either selling them at a profit later, collecting token or NFT dividends produced by the assets, or renting the assets. Below is overview of how these profits are distributed.
30% of Treasury profits derived from asset sales and dividends produced by assets are distributed to Guildmasters on a monthly basis for the first 20 months.
Another 30% is reinvested into new assets that have passed our process of selection timeless test. The remaining 40% is reinvested (through a buyback pair) back into AFT liquidity, liquidity which the Treasury passively earns from through swap fees. Phase 1 officially begins when the first Guildmaster NFT is sold. Voting officially begins when all 100 Guildmaster NFTs are minted into circulation.
After 20 months have passed, phase two becomes active and the Vault will begin to produce rental income for the guild through the Ape Fun Arcade. Powered by the Ape Fun Token that we've been stabilizing through liquidity adds. At this point our monthly allocation of AFT has been exhausted and we will lock the liquidity pairs we do have. At this time the Banana Kingdom will be getting close to open access. Once Open Access is achieved, 2% of Banana Kingdom profits will be sent to the treasury every month. We'll also be adding liquidity to the games 6 base tokens. In short, phase two brings 3 additional passive income sources to the treasury; arcade rental income, banana kingdom income and swap/trading fee income (see below).
In phase two 20% of Treasury and Vault profits derived from asset sales, rentals, dividends and passive income sources are distributed to Guildmasters on a monthly basis. The remaining 80% is used to purchase additional assets (50%), fund development and maintenance of the Arcade (18%) and add liquidity to the games 6 base tokens (12%, across all 5 tokens) Banana, Wood, Ore, Bone, Hyde and Shard. Which will net us additional passive income, from trading and swap fees. As was the case with our AFT liquidity adds.
To become a Guildmaster you must hold one of the available 100 Guildmaster NFTs. Guildmaster NFTs will be available on Ethereum through a public sale that will take place at the end June 2022. Details/Dates TBA. Guildmaster NFTs have a max supply of 100, 4 of which are out of circulation as they're held by team members from the guild and game. No additional NFTs or positions will ever be made available in compliance with SEC laws and regulations.
Pay is issued the day after each active session closes. Distribution is executed in the Guild Hall and tied to your Discord account. You have 30 calendar days to claim it. Any unclaimed assets return to the Treasury.
Guildmasters have the larger part of any given month to pitch proposals and participate in open discussion about anything they'd like via the Guild Hall, one of 3 private Discord groups that can only be accessed by owning a Guildmaster NFT.
On the 25th and 26th days of every month, each member with a proposal for a Treasury action is allowed a 48 hour period to submit that proposal to Smash, the Guild Hall Clerk. All proposals submitted, will be added to the Pre-Session Channel - the second private Discord channel - as they are received and Guildmasters will then be able to vote on which proposals will make it to the Active Session. Only the Guild Hall Clerk can post in this Channel.
Not every Guildmaster is required to vote in pre-session but a supermajority is needed for a proposal to make it to our Active Session. A pre-session supermajority is ⌈(G+1) / 2⌉ where G is equal to the total amount of member votes cast in favor or not in favor at the close of pre-session voting. In short, a minimum of 51% of the members who voted, needed to have voted in favor for a pre-session proposal to make it to an active session.
Proposals that are approved in pre-session then go to the Active Session Channel - the third private Discord channel - for a final vote. All 100 Guildmasters are required to vote one of three ways; in favor of, not in favor of, or to abstain, from voting on the listed proposals.
For a proposal in Active Session to pass, a supermajority must vote in favor of passing the proposal. An Active Session supermajority is ⌈(G+1) / 2⌉ where G is equal to the totality of Guildmasters who did not vote to abstain. In short, 51% in-favor vs 49% not in-favor, will be needed for a vote to pass.
If an Active Session proposal is not voted on by all Guildmasters, the Active Session channel remains locked to new Guildmasters and the session remains active for existing Guildmasters until the the next Session, or until the 100th vote is casted, whichever comes first. If a vote has not been recorded by the beginning of the next Active Session, the Guild Hall Clerk will record a vote of abstinence and the proposal will then either pass or fail. Keep in mind that not voting can hold proposed Treasury actions up, for up to 30 days, which can hold up sales and ultimately hold up Guildmaster pay.
Proposals are your submissions for a Treasury action. The treasury can take 4 actions as follows:
The Treasury can sell, or list for sale any Treasury asset.
The Treasury can acquire any blockchain game asset that passes our Process of Selection's timeless test, using available funds. Available funds are any tokens (fungible tokens) that the treasury holds on the 1st of every month, that are not earmarked for Guildmaster pay. Guildmasters will have a private dashboard for this.
The Treasury can vote to move an asset to the vault for future use in the Ape Fun Arcade. Vault assets may produce dividends. Those dividends are automatically reinvested in more of the underlying game's assets which subsequently grows the vaults assets passively.
The Treasury can also put in place a bylaw. See Bylaws
All proposals that don't recommend the taking of one of these 4 actions are thrown out by the Guild Hall Clerk and don't make it to the Pre-Session.
A Guildmasters job is to keep a keen eye on budding game projects in the space and on what assets we can earn from, and what assets can be easily rented in the Arcade down the line. Assets that we add have to meet, at a bare minimum: The timeless test, have MMO elements, and a have doxxed team. Doxxed means that the projects team members are not anonymous.
Timeless game assets do two things, and they do it well:
Firstly, they allow a player holding a high-value asset, the ability to earn a compelling amount of valuable NFTs or Tokens through either active gameplay or passive/active staking. Compelling can be viewed as recouping the initial investment in a maximum of 120 days. We say "high-value asset" because if a free to play game allowed all its users to earn a good amount of valuable NFTs and Tokens with low-value assets, that game and its assets won't retain their value. We wrote about this here in the what we're about section. With that said, the ability to earn value we deem compelling, will keep a game, and its assets, timeless. Meaning the value will not erode over time.
Secondly, the game itself must have a compelling and robust progression system. Coupled with what we call an 'infinite ceiling'. An infinite ceiling is just what it sounds like, it allows for continued upward mobility in a game. A game with an infinite ceiling, coupled with a robust progression system, remains timeless. It can accommodate big spenders and high skilled players who, despite the amount of time or money spent playing the MMO, can never quite reach the top. Another version of 'infinite ceiling' can be found in our title, the Banana Kingdom. This type of infinite ceiling has a defined top that can be challenged monthly for a large reward. A robust progression system is one with a pinnacle at every level of progression. Allowing low spending and low skilled players to still achieve a version of "the top" crafted and tailored to their spending and skill class.
Note: We don't need the game to be cutting edge. Like for example; promising an augmented reality setting or console launches. We just need it to do the first 2 things. In doing these 2 things, the game is setting itself up to remain timeless, like say, League of Legends. *Tech in and of itself isn't timeless.
If the title has passed our timeless test, we've arrived at the point where we can browse the assets, looking for 2 addition distinct things. 1. Which of their high-value assets won't succumb to degradation through the raising of the ceiling. In short, what assets will always remain at the absolute ceiling in a long chain of new asset releases. Yes, this is important too. We don't want to own a level 5 legendary sword to find out later that there's a level 10 god-level sword. 2. Is it a rentable asset. And we're not looking for assets that have a built in rental feature, although that's a plus. We're looking for assets someone would enjoy renting. If a title passed our timeless test it typically means that they would. However we look at other aspects like story, immersion potential, world building and so on, and we look at this on a case by case basis, putting certain assets into rental classes. Short term rental potential (1 hour to 1 week) medium term rental potential (2-4 weeks) and long term rental potential (1-6 months).
But let's push forward. If a title fits these first 2 sets of criteria, and sub-criteria, we'll move on to the last set of criteria.
Finally, we look for games that have a budget to do all of the above over a five year timespan, with a business model that'll allow them to continue to offer an infinite ceiling. Is the game attracting potential buyers to it's future sale of high value assets? Or is it funded and incubated by a blockchain native arm of a traditional venture capital organization? If not, is the team funded by other means?
Draft guild core mechanics, governance and tokenomics (completed)
Seed the Vault with over 5000 utility NFTs from various top-level blockchain based games and seed the Treasury with 1 quadrillion Ape Fun Tokens for a 20 month even release. Seed the vault with 600 Battle Kongs, 150 Apex Kong Totems, and 10% of the KongQuest Founders Edition Rank NFTs. (completed)
Allow the core team to utilize and/or lend assets from the vault where one or both of the following occur: 1. 50% of earnings are reinvested into more assets and those assets are added to the vault and/or 2. 50% of assets acquired are added directly to the vault. Smash will be in charge of this. (in progress)
Launch main website and set up private channels for Guildmasters (in progress)
Launch Guildmaster, All Access Pass and Battle Kong Mint Pass sale. (in progress)
Build private Vault and Treasury dashboard accessible to Guildmaster NFT holders. (in progress)
Enable monthly voting and governance via private Guildmaster channels on Discord.
Begin acquiring assets for the Treasury.
Launch vault overview access for Guildmasters.
Draft scholarship program for exceptional players outside of team and guildmasters. This program will be hyper-exclusive.
Contract nonfungible.com for quarterly vault reports / reports will be made available to the public.
Allow select players to utilize vault assets under scholarship program. Managed by the team.
Allow Early Access holders the ability to borrow assets from the vault. Managed by the team.
Build rental app. Allow AFT holders to rent assets from the vault. Managed by the app.
Launch monthly subscription pass NFT line.
The Vault, for all intents and purposes, is the Ape Fun Arcades vast storeroom of games. Or more specifically, it's a storeroom of blockchain game assets that will be rented in our rental app, the Ape Fun Arcade. Before we launch the Arcade, holders of the Ape Fun Gaming All Access Pass will receive early access to the Vaults assets free of charge, for a period or time that expires with the launch of the Arcade. The Vault, has been pre-seeded with assets from the Banana Kingdom (our title), Warsaken, Blankos, Bigtime and Ember Sword.
The Treasury is made up of assets we deem to be short or medium term holds, these assets haven't yet made it to the Vault, but we're not quite ready to trade them up either. Guildmasters will meet monthly to discuss and vote on whether or not an asset is moved to the Vault, or traded up for another asset. The Treasury is the bottleneck between a world of assets with potential, and the Vault.
All Vault assets that produce passive or semi-passive dividends are automatically reinvested into the underlying project that produced them. All Vault assets that produce active dividends, or, additional assets through scholarship gameplay remain in the Vault where they remain until phase two (see the roadmap).
As a Guildmaster, you have access to a full accounting of what's in the Vault as well as the treasury. If you're not a Guildmaster, you'll have to wait until the second half of Phase 1 begins. However, you can see which titles are in the Vault, by visiting our website at ape.fun.
You can get Early Access to use our assets free of charge, by purchasing an Ape Fun All Access Pass from our website when we hold the public sale.
The Vault is comprised of multiple wallets across different chains that are all secured through multi-signature cold storage Trezor and Ledger devices whose seed recovery phrases are stored on stainless steel devices at an undisclosed location. To boot, all Vault transactions occur on a private network with 1 connected device (a laptop) which is only used for Vault transactions. This extra security minimizes the risk of exposure to network, browser and phishing attacks. In short, it can't be hacked.
Game Rental and Retro Arcade. Reimagined for the Digital World. Powered by the Ape Fun Token
The Ape Fun Arcade isn't a retro arcade per se, although that would be cool. Instead it'll be a place to discover and rent high quality game assets that would otherwise be too expensive to own.
Players who want exposure to a game without paying thousands of dollars for assets, will be able to rent these assets straight from our rental app. Rent by the hour, day, week or month. Titles will be filterable by genre, team rating/review, and user rating/review. The Ape Fun Token will be the Arcades main payment token. More information about the Arcade will be released as we near the second half of Phase 1.
Tech Entrepreneur and Humanitarian – Caesar’s love for bringing new tech-based businesses and grassroots humanitarian projects to life is second only to his love for immersive games with deep storylines, battle movies and producing music.
Caesar has sat on 3 NPO boards, launched viral (decentralized) grassroots humanitarian projects, scaled a company throughout NYC, and worked with clients that ranged from A24 Films and WeWork, to an MIT and former Uber Founders venture capital firms: The Engine and EXPA.
Caesar’s ability to juggernaut into chaotic new spaces, create value, and onboard partners is key to Ape Funs long-term success as a project.
Fun Fact: The US Army once asked for Caesar’s help after a natural disaster.
Smash is obsessed with the NFT gaming space and for good reason, she's an avid gamer, coder and a budding 3D artist. She'd break down ways to beat games with a team 7 days a week, however, her life as an MIT student simply won't allow for that – at least not all day long.
Smash is in charge of outlining the scholarship program, managing the players and reporting earned assets back to Ceasar for Vault storage and accounting.
Fun Fact: Smash gave 2 TED talks before she turned 16.
Below is a handy Tokenomics overview of all current and planned Ape Fun Gaming NFTs and Tokens.
*Max Supply means no additional supply will be minted.
The Ape Fun Token (AFT) Will be the only token accepted as payment for asset purchase or rental in both, the Banana Kingdom Crafted Item Marketplace and the Ape Fun Arcade. Ape Fun Token (both BSC and ETH V2 versions) will be the only token paired with the token assets in Section 4 inside of a swap within our PC title release: The Banana Kingdom. Ape Fun Token is also the only token that can be used to acquire assets in the pre-game KongQuest app.
Launched on Binance Smart Chain in 2021, bridging to Ethereum V2 in late 2022. Can be acquired on Pancake Swap or by farming or competing in our pre-game competition app: The KongQuest.
Farms are funded through a 50% allocation of profits derived from the purchase of Tribal Rank NFT mint passes. Farmable token quantities will fluctuate with the rate of sales and cease when the rank mint pass inventory is exhausted or when the KongQuest ends. Whichever comes first.
Max Supply: 5 Quadrillion, no tax on buys or sells. Launched on Binance Smart Chain in 2021, bridging to Ethereum V2 in late 2022. Can be acquired on Pancake Swap or by farming or competing in our pre-game competition app: The KongQuest.
Liquidity is locked on UniCrypt.
80% of the supply is in circulation.
The remaining 20% of the total supply (1 quadrillion) is controlled by the AFG Guild Treasury and earmarked for release into circulation in the amount of 50 trillion tokens on a monthly basis over 20 months starting in the second half of 2022. Half of the monthly release, or 25 trillion tokens is spent on assets - with rental potential - from the blockchain gaming universe, the other half (25 trillion) is distributed to guild founders and the AFG team.
Over the course of the above mentioned 20 months, 50% of profits derived from AFG activities including the sale or rental of AFG assets are used to add liquidity to the Ape Fun Token. Half is used to buy the token, and half is used to buy BNB to pair liquidity. This Liquidity is is stored in Trezor cold storage subsequently locked on UniCrypt at certain intervals.
*Max Supply means no additional supply will be minted.
Max Supply is 100. Guildmaster NFTs will be available on Ethereum.
*Max Supply means no additional supply will be minted.
Battle Kong's: 12,000 Max Supply. 95% of the max supply or 11,400 are earmarked for public sale. 5% or 600 are controlled by the AFG Guild Treasury.
Apex Kong Totems: 3,000 Max Supply. 95% of the max supply or 2,850 are earmarked for public sale. 5% or 150 are controlled by the AFG Guild Treasury.
2,000 Max Supply, 500 Total Per Region. 90% are winnable in the KongQuest. 10% are controlled by the AFG Guild Treasury.
All art and animation is hosted on-chain at IPFS and can be viewed below with a complete breakdown of supply by region.
Apex Status NFT Max Supply: 25 (view art)
Kong Status NFT Max Supply: 75 (view art)
Elite Status NFT Max Supply: 150 (view art)
Settled Status NFT Max Supply: 250 (view art)
Apex Status NFT Max Supply: 25 (view art)
Kong Status NFT Max Supply: 75 (view art)
Elite Status NFT Max Supply: 150 (view art)
Settled Status NFT Max Supply: 250 (view art)
Apex Status NFT Max Supply: 25 (view art)
Kong Status NFT Max Supply: 75 (view art)
Elite Status NFT Max Supply: 150 (view art)
Settled Status NFT Max Supply: 250 (view art)
Apex Status NFT Max Supply: 25 (view art)
Kong Status NFT Max Supply: 75 (view art)
Elite Status NFT Max Supply: 150 (view art)
Settled Status NFT Max Supply: 250 (view art)
The entire animated KFE game set has a 128,000 Max Supply made up of 4000 Chieftains, 4000 Oracles, 8000 Commanders, 32000 Builders and 80000 Warriors broken up equally across 4 regions within the game (32,000 tribal rank NFTs per region). 95% of the max supply is earmarked for public sale. 5% is controlled by the AFG Guild Treasury.
50% of sales go directly toward funding the KongQuest apps farms. The remaining 50% is split between the teams lead artist, developer, the AFG Guild Treasury, and Ape Fun Gaming project related expenses derived from services provided by 3rd party subcontractors.
The 4 Regions, Complete Breakdown:
Utility for each sub-edition is the same. However, each sub-edition has unique art. All art and animation is hosted on-chain at IPFS.
Chieftain, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Oracle, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Commander, Max Supply of 2,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 400
Builder Max Supply of 8,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 1,600
Warrior Max Supply of 20,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 4,000
Utility for each sub-edition is the same. However, each sub-edition has unique art. All art and animation is hosted on-chain at IPFS.
Chieftain, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Oracle, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Commander, Max Supply of 2,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 400
Builder Max Supply of 8,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 1,600
Warrior Max Supply of 20,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 4,000
Utility for each sub-edition is the same. However, each sub-edition has unique art. All art and animation is hosted on-chain at IPFS.
Chieftain, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Oracle, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Commander, Max Supply of 2,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 400
Builder Max Supply of 8,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 1,600
Warrior Max Supply of 20,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 4,000
Utility for each sub-edition is the same. However, each sub-edition has unique art. All art and animation is hosted on-chain at IPFS.
Chieftain, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Oracle, Max Supply of 1,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 200
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 200
Commander, Max Supply of 2,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 400
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 400
Builder Max Supply of 8,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 1,600
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 1,600
Warrior Max Supply of 20,000
Sub-Edition 1 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 2 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 3 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 4 Max Supply 4,000
Sub-Edition 5 Max Supply 4,000
Technical Note: If any supply remains at the conclusion of the KongQuest, the remaining supply will be sold in a public sale at 6x the current price until we reach 128,000 sold.
Has the same tokenomics as the KongQuest Edition, and will not release until late 2023-early 2024. More info on the difference between the set can be found here.
The Wanderer NFT will have a max supply of 2.4 million broken down into 600,000 per region and the wastelander has no capped max supply. Art and animation per region for each of the two can be seen in the KongQuest app by selecting a region on the home page.
*Max Supply means no additional supply will be minted.
Crafting and Battle Assets are considered the games Tokens. This list does not include numbers or information on crafted items ie. Weapons and Gear but rather, the tokens you need in order to Craft items, earn from Battles and services and buy crafted items in our marketplace. More info on Weapons and Gear can be found here. *Max Supply means no additional supply will be provided.
The Banana Token (BANANA) will have a max supply of 500 billion tokens.
The Banana Token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/BANANA pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace.
Community Distribution 50%
250,000,000,000 Banana Tokens will be allocated for community distribution over 60 months with portions allocated for an initial launch on Balancer and subsequent launches on industry leading CEX's, DEX's and ultimately an AFT/BANANA pairing within the Banana Kingdom itself.
Battle Kong Holder Airdrop 15%
75,000,000,000 Banana Tokens will be allocated for an airdrop to all 12,000 Battle Kong holders. This drop will take place within 1 week of the token launch, vesting immediately.
AFG Guild Treasury 10%
50,000,000,000 Banana Tokens will be allocated to the AFG Guild Treasury and will vest evenly over 60 months starting on the day of launch.
Project Founders 10%
50,000,000,000 Banana Tokens will be allocated to project founders and will vest over 48 months starting on the day of launch.
Yield Farming 15%
75,000,000,000 Banana Tokens will be allocated for yield farming starting on the day of launch. APR will be equal to the decimal percentage of total supply released annually x the percentage rate of annual projected holder growth. *Neither future APR rate nor this formula constitute investment advice nor is it a public statement of projected earnings or growth forecast.
The Junglewood Token (WOOD) will have a max supply of 5 billion tokens.
The Junglewood Token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/WOOD pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace.
Community Distribution 50%
2,500,000,000 Junglewood Tokens will be allocated for community distribution over 60 months with portions allocated for an initial launch on Balancer and subsequent launches on industry leading CEX's, DEX's and ultimately an AFT/WOOD pairing within the Banana Kingdom itself.
Private Investment 15%
750,000,000 Junglewood Tokens will be allocated for initial private investment and fundraising over 2 rounds: Pre-seed (5%) or 250,000,000 Junglewood tokens vesting evenly over 60 months and Seed (10%) or 500,000,000 Junglewood tokens which will vest evenly over 24 months, both starting on the day of launch.
AFG Guild Treasury 10%
500,000,000 Junglewood Tokens will be allocated to the AFG Guild Treasury and will vest evenly over 60 months starting on the day of launch.
Project Founders 10%
500,000,000 Junglewood Tokens will be allocated to project founders and will vest over 48 months starting on the day of launch.
Yield Farming 15%
750,000,000 Junglewood Tokens will be allocated for yield farming starting on the day of launch. APR will be equal to the decimal percentage of total supply released annually x the percentage rate of annual projected holder growth. *Neither future APR rate nor this formula constitute investment advice nor is it a public statement of projected earnings or growth forecast.
The Alloy Base Token (ORE) will have a max supply of 5 billion tokens.
The Alloy Base Token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/ORE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace.
Community Distribution 50%
2,500,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens will be allocated for community distribution over 60 months with portions allocated for an initial launch on Balancer and subsequent launches on industry leading CEX's, DEX's and ultimately an AFT/ORE pairing within the Banana Kingdom itself.
Private Investment 15%
750,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens will be allocated for initial private investment and fundraising over 2 rounds: Pre-seed (5%) or 250,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens vesting evenly over 60 months and Seed (10%) or 500,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens which will vest evenly over 24 months, both starting on the day of launch.
AFG Guild Treasury 10%
500,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens will be allocated to the AFG Guild Treasury and will vest evenly over 60 months starting on the day of launch.
Project Founders 10%
500,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens will be allocated to project founders and will vest over 48 months starting on the day of launch.
Yield Farming 15%
750,000,000 Alloy Base Tokens will be allocated for yield farming starting on the day of launch. APR will be equal to the decimal percentage of total supply released annually x the percentage rate of annual projected holder growth. *Neither future APR rate nor this formula constitute investment advice nor is it a public statement of projected earnings or growth forecast.
The Dragonbone Token (BONE) will have a max supply of 5 billion tokens.
The Dragonbone Token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/BONE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace.
Community Distribution 50%
2.500,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens will be allocated for community distribution over 60 months with portions allocated for an initial launch on Balancer and subsequent launches on industry leading CEX's, DEX's and ultimately an AFT/BANANA pairing within the Banana Kingdom itself.
Private Investment 15%
750,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens will be allocated for initial private investment and fundraising over 2 rounds: Pre-seed (5%) or 250,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens vesting evenly over 60 months and Seed (10%) or 500,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens which will vest evenly over 24 months, both starting on the day of launch.
AFG Guild Treasury 10%
500,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens will be allocated to the AFG Guild Treasury and will vest evenly over 60 months starting on the day of launch.
Project Founders 10%
500,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens will be allocated to project founders and will vest evenly over 48 months starting on the day of launch.
Yield Farming 15%
750,000,000 Dragonbone Tokens will be allocated for yield farming starting on the day of launch. APY will be equal to the decimal percentage of total BONE supply released annually x the percentage rate of projected annual holder growth. *Neither future APR rate nor this formula constitute investment advice nor is it a public statement of projected earnings or growth forecast.
The Apex Tanners Token (HYDE) will have a max supply of 5 billion tokens.
The Banana token will be available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in late 2022. In 2023 an AFT/HYDE pairing (on ETH and BSC) will be added to the Banana Kingdoms central marketplace.
Community Distribution 50%
2,500,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens will be allocated for community distribution over 60 months with portions allocated for an initial launch on Balancer and subsequent launches on industry leading CEX's, DEX's and ultimately an AFT/HYDE pairing within the Banana Kingdom itself.
Private Investment 15%
750,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens will be allocated for initial private investment and fundraising over 2 rounds: Pre-seed (5%) or 250,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens vesting evenly over 60 months and Seed (10%) or 500,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens which will vest evenly over 24 months, both starting on the day of launch.
AFG Guild Treasury 10%
500,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens will be allocated to the AFG Guild Treasury and will vest evenly over 60 months starting on the day of launch.
Project Founders 10%
500,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens will be allocated to project founders and will vest over 48 months starting on the day of launch.
Yield Farming 15%
750,000,000 Apex Tanners Tokens will be allocated for yield farming starting on the day of launch. APR will be equal to the decimal percentage of total supply released annually x the percentage rate of annual projected holder growth. *Neither future APR rate nor this formula constitute investment advice nor is it a public statement of projected earnings or growth forecast.
Tech Entrepreneur and Humanitarian – Caesar’s love for bringing new tech-based businesses and grassroots humanitarian projects to life is second only to his love for immersive games with deep storylines, battle movies and producing music.
Caesar has sat on 3 NPO boards, launched viral (decentralized) grassroots humanitarian projects, scaled a company throughout NYC, and worked with clients that ranged from A24 Films and WeWork, to an MIT and former Uber Founders venture capital firms: The Engine and EXPA.
Caesar’s ability to juggernaut into chaotic new spaces, create value, and onboard partners is key to Ape Funs long-term success as a project.
Fun Fact: The US Army once asked for Caesar’s help after a natural disaster.
Multidisciplinary Artist – StevO’s lifetime as an artist and avid gamer has evolved to include an insatiable enthusiasm for NFTs and all things crypto.
StevO brings 20 years experience in the animation and motion design industries to the table with a deep knowledge of the production pipeline. He’s been a designer for award winning television productions as well as producing ads for major national and global brands such as Spotify, Oreo, RBC, Ford, AGF, and many other industry leaders in a variety of sectors.
StevO’s ability to visualize and create rapidly, whether it be a 3D childrens animation or a warrior gorilla, makes him a crucial part of Ape Funs gaming ambitions.
Fun Fact: He’s not a doctor but he played one on TV once (very, very briefly).
Problem Solver and Master of QC – KOBA’s an adrenaline junkie with a lifelong PC gaming addiction who loves being at the forefront of emerging tech.
His decade-long mission of developing and testing software for automotive giants like BMW, Jaguar-LandRover, Fiat-Chrysler has led him to a place where he manages a crew of 150 engineers internationally – who are at the forefront of electrifying the automotive sector.
His background in multiple coding languages and managing large international teams, tasked with high quality output from engineering concepts through to UX layouts - within emerging tech fields - made him a perfect fit as our game dev manager.
Koba also built our Discord! :)
Fun Fact: Saved a wounded Eagle 15 years ago, it now visits his house daily with its kids.
This document and all of its contents is the informational master document for all Ape Fun Gaming projects mentioned herein otherwise known as the "Banana Kingdom" or "Ape Fun Gaming Guild" / "AFG Guild" and supersedes any and all previous or future documents (that are not this master document), text, audio and/or video recordings, or imagery produced by or procured from any of our media and/or team assets, including but not limited to websites, social media accounts, 3rd party websites, moderators, team, leadership or founding members. This document and all content herein are subject to change at the sole discretion of Ape Fun Gaming and/or founding members of any of it's projects as needed. All future adaptations (versions) of this document supersede all previous versions.
(In short, this document is God. Not what ya heard somewhere else. And it may be adapted as time goes by.)
Any representations or statements made by Ape Fun Gaming, AFG Guild, and/or Banana Kingdom as well as any use of our gamified digital assets or tokens; whether digital, fungible and/or non-fungible (Bananas, Sacks, Keys, BANANA, WOOD, ORE, BONE, HYDE, SHARD AFT and/or NFTs, collectively the “Tokens”), on any platform, service, media, game, or otherwise (the “Project or Projects”), whether or not we own, operate, control or otherwise have any connection to them shall be subject to this disclaimer. Additional terms and conditions may apply to the Project or Tokens and may change over time at our discretion. Please read and familiarize yourself with this disclaimer before interacting with the Project or Tokens. Any information communicated by the Project, or lite paper, whitepaper, our websites at ape.fun, bananakingdom.com vault.ape.fun apefuntoken.ape.fun and bananakingdom.ape.fun (the “Website" or "sites”) or any communication channels (collectively, the “Materials”) whether or not on our behalf, shall not be deemed as financial advice or a recommendation to buy sell or interact in any way with the Project or Tokens or any other service, product or technology related or not related to the Project. All Materials are for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon wholly or partially when making any decisions related to the Project or otherwise. Any statements or implications made in the Materials are not guaranteed to be accurate, reliable, complete, non-infringing and as such, are intended to be used at your discretion with the understanding that you are solely responsible for any possible damages, financial or otherwise, from engaging with the Project. Always do you own due diligence before making any decisions. No part of the Project, Materials or any related information should be taken as legal or financial advice. The Materials contain forward-looking statements based on current expectations that contain risks and uncertainties which are inherent to the rapidly developing and changing industry. Any and all statements, opinions, projections, or forecasts found in the Materials or otherwise communicated by us are subject to change and should be considered forward-looking statements. We give no guarantees that said forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate or correct. The Tokens should not be considered a financial instrument, security, share, debt, loan or investment and there is no guarantee that they will perform as expected or hold any particular value over time and we do not make warranties or representations of any kind in regard to the Tokens. We do not guarantee or imply that the Tokens will have any future use or be fit for any particular purpose. None of the information in our Materials should be taken as advice on whether or not to buy or sell Tokens at any time. We follow high security standards and make all reasonable efforts to protect and secure the Project, Materials and Tokens, however, we do not guarantee protection against any and all attacks from phishing, malware or other software or hardware vulnerabilities. This includes any breach or breakdown of any blockchain on which the Token is deployed. You are solely responsible for any Tokens you hold and the Project is not responsible for any loss due to mishandling of information on your part, accidental or unintended transactions by you, or any legal sanctions placed on the jurisdiction in which you or anyone who interacts with the Project, Materials or Tokens resides. You hereby hold us, our employees, partners, representatives, developers and contractors harmless and indemnified to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws and regulations from any losses or damages related to the Project or Tokens in perpetuity.
By continuing you agree that you understand this.
What's Included in the IP Rights
BK IP Personal Rights: The purchase of a Battle Kong NFT grants the buyer a worldwide, royalty-free license to use, copy, and display the purchased Art, along with any extensions that they choose to create or use, solely for the following purposes: personal, non-commercial use; as part of a marketplace that permits the purchase and sale of their Battle Kong NFT, provided that the marketplace cryptographically verifies each owner’s rights to display the Art; or as part of a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement, or participation of your Battle Kong NFT, provided that the website/application cryptographically verifies each owner’s rights to display the Art for their Battle Kong NFT to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art, and provided that the Art is no longer visible once the Battle Kong NFT owner leaves the website/application.
BK IP Commercial Rights: Subject to your continued compliance with these Terms, Ape Fun Gaming grants you an unlimited, worldwide license to use, copy, and display the purchased Art for the purpose of creating derivative works based upon the Art (“Commercial Use”). Examples of such Commercial Use would e.g. be the use of the Art to produce and sell merchandise products (T-Shirts etc.) displaying copies of the Art. For the sake of clarity, nothing in this section will be deemed to restrict you from 1. owning or operating a marketplace that permits the use and sale of Battle Kong's generally, provided that the marketplace cryptographically verifies each Battle Kong owner’s rights to display the Art for their Battle Kong to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art; 2. owning or operating a third party website or application that permits the inclusion, involvement, or participation of Battle Kong's generally, provided that the third party website or application cryptographically verifies each Battle Kong owner’s rights to display the Art for their Battle Kong to ensure that only the actual owner can display the Art, and provided that the Art is no longer visible once the owner of the Purchased Battle Kong leaves the website/application; or 3. earning revenue from any of the foregoing.
What's Not Included in the IP Rights
Ape Fun Gaming and it's sub-projects founding members grant no right, license or permission through the ownership of a Battle Kong to 1. Use the Battle Kong art in the making of any digital game 2. provide any utilities whether for personal or commercial use that in any way replicate the existing utilities of any NFT offered, planned or in release by Ape Fun Gaming. Utilities include: use of art or derivatives of the art within a digital game, use of art or derivatives of the art within the construction or branding of a yield farm, use of art or derivatives of the art within the branding of a fungible or non-fungible token.
Interested in partnering with us? Email strongertogether@ape.fun
We've put together a complete overview of the Business Model for accredited investors coupled with seed and pre-seed packages tailored to you.