As we mentioned in the last section, there are 5 classes of tribes in the Banana Kingdom: The Unknown, The Settled, The Elite, The Kong's, and the Apex's. These 5 classes are known as "Regional Status" classes. For your tribe to enter into one of the upper 4 regional status classes, you have to lead your tribe into battle for the NFT, or buy it on the open market. Chieftains and their tribe members who attain a higher status class for their tribe will reap the benefits of higher earnings in many ways.
The majority of the games Tribal Chieftains won't belong to any status class. It's unknown where they may venture to, what lands they may conquer, and what class they belong to. All chiefs begin the game as a great big Unknown — but with the potential to rise through the classes, and ultimately rule the Kingdom.
In short, being an Unknown chief leading an unknown tribe just means that your status class is unknown. Your tribe is capped at 10 members with the exception of the 12 tribes that win their regional Tournaments and enter the Tournament of the Apex's for a shot at the throne, and Kingdom's largest prize pool. You also earn 2% of all tokens your tribe spends on crafting and your Oracles earn 1%.
Ahead of the Game: Win one in the KongQuest
Later On: Buy one on the open market.
In the Game: Win one in TvT (tribe vs tribe) Class Warfare against a Settled Tribe.
There are 4 classes in the Kingdom and then there are 4 types of Regional Status class NFTs and they're based on the 4 regions: Bananatopia, Neverian Peaks, Kong Steppe and Apex City. A Chieftain must hold the Regional Status NFT for it to be activated in-game. Chieftains in each region must also hold that regions corresponding class NFT in order to utilize it in the game. Ex. An Apexian Chief, needs an Apexian Status NFT.
With the complex math out of the way, lets get into the status classes, starting with the Settled Status class.
Additional benefits of belonging to one of the four status classes is shown in the Monthly Tournaments & Additional Earnings by Class sections on each Tribal Rank page.
The Settled Status class is the largest of the four classes comprised of 250 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the middle class and it's a relatively peaceful class of hardworking Apes who enjoy a 10 member buffer of protection against Unknown tribes. Unknown tribes generally don't target Settled tribes, they're often too busy trying to overthrow the Apex Tribes and dethrone the Ruler of the Banana Kingdom.
The settled have 20 members each. Settled tribes can fight can fight any against any settled, elite, kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Tokens or control of that regions open land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Elite Status class is the second largest of the four classes comprised of 150 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the upper-middle class. Elites tend to focus on land conquering and building up to the next class in order to achieve the higher prize tournament-rewards and the additional 10 members that help with further land taking.
The elite have 30 members each. Elite tribes can fight any against any elite, kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown or settled tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Kong Status class is the third largest of the four classes comprised of 75 tribes per region. It's the first worlds version of the upper class. Kong's (AKA Battle Kong's) because their members typically own a Battle Kong or 2 tend to focus on the throne and getting into the Apex Status class.
The kong tribes have 40 members each. Kong tribes can fight any against any kong or apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown, settled or elite tribes for Banana Tokens. They can also fight vertically against tribes of a higher status, in an attempt to strip the higher status tribe of their status in an all our war to get to the top in that region.
The Apex Status class is the most exclusive of the four classes comprised of only 25 tribes per region. It's the first world version of the ruling elite class. Apex's typically own land and totems, and focus on regional domination and the throne.
The apex tribes have 50 members each. Apex tribes can fight any against any apex tribe in their region – for Banana Token or control of that regions land plots. They can accept status challenges from unknown, settled, elite or kong tribes for Banana Tokens. Unlike other classes they can't fight for a higher status other than ruler of the Kingdom in the Tournament of the Apex's.