The Vault, for all intents and purposes, is the Ape Fun Arcades vast storeroom of games. Or more specifically, it's a storeroom of blockchain game assets that will be rented in our rental app, the Ape Fun Arcade. Before we launch the Arcade, holders of the Ape Fun Gaming All Access Pass will receive early access to the Vaults assets free of charge, for a period or time that expires with the launch of the Arcade. The Vault, has been pre-seeded with assets from the Banana Kingdom (our title), Warsaken, Blankos, Bigtime and Ember Sword.
The Treasury is made up of assets we deem to be short or medium term holds, these assets haven't yet made it to the Vault, but we're not quite ready to trade them up either. Guildmasters will meet monthly to discuss and vote on whether or not an asset is moved to the Vault, or traded up for another asset. The Treasury is the bottleneck between a world of assets with potential, and the Vault.
All Vault assets that produce passive or semi-passive dividends are automatically reinvested into the underlying project that produced them. All Vault assets that produce active dividends, or, additional assets through scholarship gameplay remain in the Vault where they remain until phase two (see the roadmap).
As a Guildmaster, you have access to a full accounting of what's in the Vault as well as the treasury. If you're not a Guildmaster, you'll have to wait until the second half of Phase 1 begins. However, you can see which titles are in the Vault, by visiting our website at
You can get Early Access to use our assets free of charge, by purchasing an Ape Fun All Access Pass from our website when we hold the public sale.
The Vault is comprised of multiple wallets across different chains that are all secured through multi-signature cold storage Trezor and Ledger devices whose seed recovery phrases are stored on stainless steel devices at an undisclosed location. To boot, all Vault transactions occur on a private network with 1 connected device (a laptop) which is only used for Vault transactions. This extra security minimizes the risk of exposure to network, browser and phishing attacks. In short, it can't be hacked.