
Commanders and Warriors are like family. They live, train, eat and fight together.

Unique Utility: Overview

Commanders enable Warriors to fight, which makes them responsible for the Warriors in their tribe. As a Commander, you'll have a unique ability that only land owners have: The ability to lend weapons and gear to your warriors from your personal stash, or from the Commanders Armory. Bolstering that strong fighting spirit at the lowest ranks through lending is to your tribes advantage, and to yours as well. You'll see why in the next section.

Level 1 Commanders can lend their own weapons and gear to Warriors under their command. Level 3 Commanders will unlock the Commanders armory. An armory that's funded passively through your tribes conquering and battling. Use the armory to craft the right weapons and gear to lend to Warriors under your command.

In addition, Warriors of tribes with more than 1 Commander get to choose their Commander when they're accepted into the tribe. Commanders get an overview of a warriors PvP fighting stats. How many battles they've had, and won. Commanders who aren't satisfied with their new recruit can kick them from their unit, sending them back to the tribes warrior applicant pool where another commander can accept them or not.

Unique Utility: Earnings Potential

Warriors will be involved in more PvP battle than anyone in the Kingdom. Constantly challenged by Wanderers, a Warrior is constantly in battle. Commanders will receive 4% of all Banana Tokens earned by their Warriors in any type of battle except for tournament battle. Through unit building, asset lending and Armory curating, a Commander can build quite a formidable fighting force, and earn from it.

Earning in Battle

Commanders of a tribe that conquers land enjoy a fully funded armory. 2% of all tokens spent on crafting on tribe controlled land by all players on that land goes into the Commander Armory Treasury. Each tribes Commander has a separate Treasury and Armory they control. If they leave the tribe, funds and the armory stays with the tribe and can be utilized by the next Commander.

Commanders can challenge any other Commander, or Oracle of the same class (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Builder. Winning can net them either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.

Monthly Tournaments & Earnings by Status Class

Apex Status

Commanders of an Apex Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.

Kong Status

Commanders of a Kong Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.

Elite Status

Commanders of an Elite Tribe split a 20% pool of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.

Settled Status

Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.

Unknown: No Status Yet

Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.

For more info on Status Classes, see the Regional Status Class page.

The Lore of the Commanders, and How to Acquire One

Commanders of Bananatopia

Bananatopian Commanders strike fear into the hearts of apes, adorning themselves with the bones of their fallen enemies. Much more powerful than their Warrior kin, they have been known to take out multiple enemies on the battlefield single handedly. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.

Commanders of the Neverian Peaks

Neverii Commanders live for battle and will turn any encounter into a fight if given the chance. Their reputation for relentless attack is enough to cause their enemies to lay down their weapons to avoid a fight, which only serves to disappoint them. To a Neverii Commander, battle = life. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.

Commanders of Kong Steppe

Kongite Commanders fight with pride and honor, but that doesn’t make them less forgiving in battle. Unparalleled technique and ferocity are trademarks of these highly respected and revered fighters who are capable of dealing catastrophic damage to enemy tribes. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.

Commanders of Apex City

Apexian Commanders are battle hardened leaders whose appetite for destruction is only tempered by their tactical prowess. Their explosive power is feared across the Kingdom Lands and intimidates even the fiercest opponents Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 2000.

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