Owning Land and Conquering Open Plots
There are 3 ways to own and control land in the game: 1. Own a plot 2. Conquer and protect a plot with a totem and 3. Conquer and defend a plot from other players who want your turf.
The game will have a max land supply of 24,000 plots. 12,000 plots are ownable, predetermined non-moveable locations with feature packed land-owner dashboards governed by you: the Battle Kong of that land.
The other 12,000 plots in the game are open land plots. They can't be traded or sold as a traditional NFT, instead, the land plots remain open for players to conquer.
Players who conquer one of these 12,000 open plots of land and own an Apex Kong Totem can enjoy all the land-owner benefits of a Battle Kong holder including not having to defend it from anyone. Totems can also be moved from any one conquered plot, to another conquered plot, anywhere on the map, at any time. So if you need to build up a defending tribe on a plot you conquered, you can, before you move on to the next one.
Players who don't own a Battle Kong, or a totem, can conquer open land just like anyone else, but they'll need a strong enough tribe to defend it from the takeover attempts of other hungry tribes.
Each plot at the start of the game - when we launch - has the capacity for 50 players. Your plots capacity for players will double with each doubling of the games player base. This is the main reason for the low amount of total plots. It's also a major value add for land owners, totem holders and conquering tribes.
Read on to learn more about the NFTs themselves, your rights as a holder, and the features of your land dashboard...
Last updated