Conquer and Defend
Required reading before continuing: Owning Land and Conquering Open Plots
Conquer and Defend One of Our 12K Open Plots
To get access to a special land dashboard plus 20% of all tokens spent by players who live on your plot.
Land Dashboard: Recruiting
Unlike the Kong and totem dashboards, you won't be able to recruit new players from outside the game to this wild plot you've conquered. However, you will be able to allow players to teleport from anywhere in the Kingdom, to your plot through your dash.
Land Dashboard: Removal of Wanderers
Land conquerors can kick any wanderer from their land. These kicked players are moved to the closest open plot of land. This feature is useful if your plot's maxed out with non-active players, or if you want to allow a specific tribe or player access to your plot but there isn't any space.
Land Dashboard: Communication
Land conquerors have the ability to communicate with all Wanderers and Tribal Chiefs on their land.
Land Dashboard: Tournament Prize Pools
Once a monthly tournament begins, all tribes are locked to the plot of land they occupy. If a tribe on your land wins the tournament, you receive 3% of the prize pool. This is all trackable through your land dashboard.
Land Dashboard: Development Collaboration with Builders on Your Land
You'll be able to collaborate with Builders on land-wide defense systems that add a defensive perimeter to the land you've conquered. You'll sleep better knowing you've got a conquered plot more heavily defended.
Only tribes can conquer land.
Last updated