
Oracles are second to the chief in every tribe and have a very unique privilege in the Kingdom...

Unique Utility: Overview

Having an Oracle NFT gives you a special privilege unlike any other in the Kingdom: the ability to enhance weapons with the Shard Essence Token and being part of a tribe unlocks that feature for your fellow tribe members. As an Oracle, you also have the ability to craft alchemic gear. This gear set will open up an entire world of possibilities through your Oracle dashboard.

Unique Utility: Earnings Potential

As an Oracle, you get access to a unique dashboard where you can fill the weapon-and-gear enhancement requests of any player, of any rank or status in your region. Oracle-less tribes and Wanderers looking for an edge will be able to post requests for your services or browse enhancement services you offer.

Leveling up your alchemic gear will allow you to charge more for higher level enhancements in your region. Merging similar alchemic gear of the same class from the 4 regions will net you Kingdom alchemic gear, allowing you to enhance weapons and gear from all over the Kingdom, not just within your region.

Being an Oracle within a tribe has even greater benefits. Oracles are entitled to a percentage of all tokens their tribe spends on crafting - depending on what status class their tribe belongs to. See the Earnings by Class section below.

Read more about Kingdom weapons and gear in the "Merging Weapons & Gear" section.

Earning in Battle

Oracles in a tribe that conquers land get 3% of all tokens spent on that land by all players in or outside of their tribe. Another 2% goes into their Commander Armory.

Oracles can challenge any other Oracle or Chieftain of the same class or higher (outside of their tribe) in PvP battle and accept fights from any Commander. Winning can net you either Banana Token or the opponents Tribal Rank NFT, and in some instances both.

Monthly Tournaments & Earnings by Status Class

Apex Status

Oracles of an Apex Tribe earn 5% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of an Apex Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Apex's.

Kong Status

Oracles of a Kong Tribe earn 4% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of a Kong Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Kong's.

Elite Status

Oracles of an Elite Tribe earn 3% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Oracles of an Elite Tribe also receive 15% of the tokens won in the Tournament of the Elite.

Settled Status

Oracles of a Settled Tribe earn 2% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Weapons and Gear won in the Tournament of the Settled is distributed by your Chief.

Unknown: No Status Yet

Oracles of an Unknown Tribe earn 1% of all tokens spent on crafting by their tribe members. Tournament of the Apex's Prize Pool applies if your tribe is one of the 12 regional tribes to win the Tournament of the Unknown.

For more info on Status Classes, see the Regional Status Class page.

The Lore of the Oracles, and How to Acquire One

Oracles of Bananatopia

Bananatopian Oracles’ are feared even by their own tribe members. Their wisdom and power come from highly guarded secrets passed down from one Oracle to the next from the Great Kong himself. Once learned, their attacks are nearly unstoppable in battle. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.

Oracles of the Neverian Peaks

The powers of the Neverii Oracle gives their tribe the ability to transport to different lands and back to the Neverian Peaks using the Mountain Våpor only they have the ability to control. It is believed that they are able to transport their spirits into living and non-living creatures to aid in battle and reconnaissance. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.

Oracles of Kong Steppe

The mystical order of Kongite Oracles is legendary in the Kingdom. Few are chosen and even fewer survive the spiritual transformation required to become a Kongite Oracle, but those that do are revered and respected by their tribes and their enemies alike. Legend says that the most powerful Oracles have the ability to transform themselves into an ancient dragon on the battlefield. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.

Oracles of Apex City

Apexian Oracles are the first generation of AI beings in the Kingdom. Nearly impossible to destroy, they are able to transfer their consciousness into other Oracles or machines. In battle, they have the ability to control machines and weapons connected to the Apexian Mainframe. Mint passes can be bought at a significant discount if you're able to unlock them in your Pre-Game KongQuest. Available total supply is 1000.

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